Thursday, 28 June 2012

'Peripheries―Moments from the Side'

Full program of ‘PhotoIreland Festival 2012’ was just announced. All month with fantastic exhibitions around the town. 
It's actually started tonight ;)
20 x 20: 'Peripheries―Moments from the Side' exhibition in Inspirational Arts Gallery curated by Donna Kiernan.
'The theme ‘Peripheries – Moments From The Side’ explores the role of photography and it’s potential for capturing the everyday surrealism, humour and grace with which we live our lives in today's Ireland. All styles are included, from the staged to the opportune, and the carefully composed straight shot to the digitally transformed abstract.' (from official info)

I was invited to show there one of my photograph from ’Forms’ series. 

This exhibition will run from Friday 29th June to 13th July.
I would like to thank Donna for an invitation and also Ed and Jim from Inspirational Arts for wonderful job done with printing photographs and organizing exhibition.

That was tonight. Don't forget about Royal Hibernian Academy where you can see ’The Unit’ from ‘Unfulfilled Dreams’ series and of course ‘Close to Closure’ which will be opened 4th of July in Backloft Gallery. I will show there my  ‘Urban Stories’.
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Direct Positive Paper

Yesterday I asked my daughter if she could help me with something related to photography...
- oh, how long do I have to stand still?
Hah, she knows me very well ;D

I just found a bit of time to try direct positive paper which I have since while.
Due to its very low speed (varies, depends on light condition and desired effect ISO 3-6...) and energy of my young model I had to use studio lights to achieve reasonable shutter speed and aperture. Quite important not only when photographing a child ;)
After setting light to maximum power I got 1/30 shutter speed with f/8. Just about something I was looking for.

scanned print (please click the image to see it bigger)
After that there was a time for a wet part of the process. Very exciting moments as always when it comes to printing.
I choose an Ilford Multigrade paper developer. Luckily I still had an unopened bottle. I didn't expected that after a few months break in printing ;)
Dilution as stated on the bottle 1+9, stop in water and then fix bath in Ilford Rapid Fixer 1+4. Just like with RC paper.
Trays filled with chemicals, safe light ON and after a few minutes everything was done :)
Image itself came out really fast. it was about 20-30seconds. And that’s It.

Pre-flashing  is sometimes recommended for this paper. It gives more grays but also lower contrast so... I didn't pre-flash  :)
I wanted to achieve good contrast which means for me - high ;) and my decision was right.

After all I find it a bit similar to wet plate collodion. It’s the first thing which came to my mind when I saw photograph coming out on developing tray. I am talking here about all idea rather then the process itself which in this case is  much easier and faster. 

 - photograph taken in that way is the only one you have
- the image is a mirror reflection of photographed subject

I love direct positive paper and the way the photograph is made with it. Very reach tones, fantastic details and contrast and also quite short time required to see the result. 
Will definitely use it more often instead of traditional film. 

equipment used:
Sinar F2 with Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar-S 150mm 5.6 lens, 4x5 Harman Direct Positive Paper FB Glossy .

Update 07/09/2012 - You can also have a look at my other post about Direct Positive Paper where I am using it with natural light ;) Click Here Please