Tuesday, 14 December 2010

the magic box...

It came with morning post. I remember when i opened parcel delivered by Frank, our great postman. That was about two years ago. All this excitement and impatience as the content was extraordinary. Beautiful hand-made box...magic box as it is possible to take photographs with it (in obvious for me, most beautiful format 6x6 ;D )
I was really impressed and I am every time I have this camera in my hands.
I always admired pinhole photography for its appearance and uniqueness. It is just like handling Holga. Well...almost. In this case, however, lack the lens is not the only difference. Also different built quality and... there is no viewfinder. Here you can only rely on your own intuition. A bit of practice and the effects are fantastic.
Snow has gone at least for now. it’s quite nice feeling to have slightly higher temperature for a change. I decided to go out then with my long time unused pinhole camera.
I had a sort of tension to photograph industrial objects or at least something industrial like.
Not easy subject here. Although Port is very close however there is no access so I had to think about something else...

Scherzer Bridges (1912) on North Wall Quay area - that was the first thought which came into my mind . Very close location and beautiful objects.  Both of them were “Built to allow water based traffic to access the Royal Canal and Spencer Docks, these unusual bridges are also designed to keep seawater out of the docks. No longer operational due to the removal of their diesel engines and their roadway surfaces, they could stop traffic, allow a ship through and close again in four and a half minutes. Now they serve as a reminder of the industrial past of the area” (info archiseek.com).

I spent there over an hour. Sun was about setting down so hard lighting condition especially for my choice of film - Ilford Pan F Plus 50
Over 5 minutes exposure did the job nicely.
Time to go home and get images out of the box ;)
...15 minutes bath in Perceptol and after fixing and washing film was hanging getting ready to scan.
Pan F plus and Perceptol are an amazing combo. It gets out of negative incredible amount of details and great tones.
Please click HERE to see short slideshow with some old photographs taken with zero2000.

...just saw newest forecast. Snow is coming back


  1. hey artur perceptol was one of my old favourites back in the day
    it has a slowwwwww charm!!
    thats for sure

  2. that's true...
    and "charm" is a very adequate word here ;)
